Rafael R. Dickson Morales
- PhD in Ibero-American Administrative Law. Universidad Da Coruña, Spain. (2019).
- Postgraduate studies in Administrative Law Penalties. Universidad de Valladolid, Spain. (2014).
- L.L.M., International Business. Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) [República Dominicana], Université Savoie Mont Blanc [France] y Universidad Pierre Mendès France [France]. (2007).
- Postgraduate studies in New Technologies [outstanding]. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. (2004).
- Postgraduate studies in Civil Procedure. Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM), Dominican Republic. (2003).
- Bachelor’s Degree in Law [Magna cum laude]. Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM), Dominican Republic. (2002).
- Professor of Administrative Law and Competition Law. School of Law of Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE), Dominican Republic.
- Professor of Public Contracts Law. School of Law of Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM), Dominican Republic.
- Professor of Administrative Law. Masters in Constitutional Law of the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD), Dominican Republic.
- Professor of Administrative Law at the Escuela Nacional de la Judicatura, Dominican Republic.
Rafael has over 20 years of experience. Among his main clients are the Public Administration, financial intermediation entities, aviation sector entities, telecommunication companies, and family business groups.
He has represented his clients in financial transactions, including acquisitions and mergers; restructuring of loans and project financing for hotel, energy, consumer goods, and free trade zone sectors. Additionally, he has collaborated in the engineering and contractual structure of asset securitization.
Rafael has also served as a consultant to various entities and administrative bodies for the preparation of legal drafts and administrative regulations. In terms of public procurement, he has led teams in international public tenders for various projects. He has been a consulting contractor for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Bank Group for issues related to public procurement and Public-Private Partnerships (PPP). In the field of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) and infrastructure projects, he has provided advice on the development of private and public initiative projects.
In arbitration matters, he has represented national and international companies in institutional arbitrations before the Arbitration Court and Alternative Dispute Resolution of the Chamber of Commerce and Production of Santo Domingo, and before the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
In administrative litigation, he regularly practices in administrative contentious proceedings against acts and actions of administrative bodies. He successfully defended the administrative body in the first litigious case in the Dominican Republic concerning unfair trade practices and safeguard measures, as well as the first action of harmfulness.
He is currently a member of the Dominican Bar Association, a member of the Ibero-American Forum of Administrative Law (FIDA), part of the Management Committee of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Center of the Chamber of Commerce and Production of Santo Domingo, a member of the National Association of Young Entrepreneurs (ANJE), a member of the Dominican Association of Administrative Law (ADDA), a member of the Board of Directors of the Network of Investors of Enlaces, Inc., as well as an Arbitrator of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Center of the Chamber of Commerce and Production of Santo Domingo.
He is a national and international speaker and lecturer in various seminars, congresses, and diploma programs on Administrative Law, Regulatory Law, and Competition Law.
- Public-Private Partnerships
- Infrastructure – Public Procurement
- Administrative Law
- Corporate – Family Businesses
- Trusts – Project Financing
- Regulated Sectors (Banking, Energy, Securities Market, Insurance, Telecommunications)
- Alternative Dispute Resolution – Arbitration
- Administrative Litigation
- The new regime of Public-Private Partnerships in the Dominican Republic. International Legal Bookstore. 2021. ISBN: 978-9945-09-918-8.
- Risk Allocation in Public-Private Collaboration: A perspective from Spain and the Dominican Republic with some insights from other Ibero-American jurisdictions. Thomson Reuters. Spain. 2019. ISBN: 978-84-1309-503-5.
- Public-Private Partnerships as an Alternative Mechanism in the Planning and Financing of Public Projects in the Dominican Republic. Ibero-American Forum of Administrative Law (FIDA). Dominican Republic. 2017. ISBN 978-980-365-402-3.
- Transparency in Public Procurement. National Institute of Public Administration of Spain (INAP). 2017. ISBN 978-84-7351-594-8.
- Good administration in risk allocation in public-private partnerships in the Dominican Republic. Mariñan Conference. La Coruña, Spain. 2017.
- Background and Evolution of Administrative Due Process in the Dominican Republic. In book: Due Process, Volume IV, coordinators Manuel Acuña, Luis Rodríguez Juan Salinas, and Arnulfo Sánchez, Tirant Lo Blanch. 2016. ISBN 978-84-9143-288-3.
- Risk allocation in public procurement in the Dominican Republic: A criterion of Good Administration. Mariñan Conference. La Coruña, Spain. 2015.
- The administrative sanctioning procedure in the Dominican Republic. FIDA. Republic of Ecuador. 2018.
- Transparency: A Mechanism for Control and Good Execution of Public Procurement in the Dominican Republic. Dominican Republic. 2015.
- Application of the Principle of Good Administration to Economic Equilibrium in Public Procurement in the Dominican Republic. XIII Ibero-American Congress of Administrative Law. Mexico. 2014.
- Brief Overview of Economic Equilibrium in Public Procurement and its Treatment in the Dominican Republic. VII Mariñan Conference. La Coruña, Spain. 2014.
- General Notions on the Theory of Administrative Acts, Public Administration Review. Year IV. 2010.
- Application of the Theory of Unforeseeability in Civil Matters in Dominican and French Law. May 2007.
- Mechanisms of Economic Equilibrium in Contracts. Legal Studies, Vol. XII, No. 1.
- The Legal Reserve in the Institution of Withholding Agents. Judicial Gazette. Dominican Republic. April 2005.
- Normative Authority of the General Directorate of Internal Taxes. Judicial Gazette, Year 7, No. 170. Dominican Republic. October 2003.
- The Repeal of Legal Interest. Judicial Gazette, Year 7, No. 162. Dominican Republic. July 2003.
- Spanish
- English
- French
- Portuguese
- Knowledge of Italian